Test atau Schmidt Hammer Test merupakan suatu metode uji yang mudah dan praktis
untuk memperkirakan mutu beton. Artikel berikut ini akan membahas tentang metode
untuk memperkirakan Kekuatan Tekan Beton dengan pengujian Palu Beton schmidt hammer test.
Palu uji asli untuk kekuatan tekan dan penilaian homogenitas
Original Schmidt diciptakan dan diperkenalkan ke pasar oleh
Proceq pada 1950-an. Sejak saat itu telah menjadi instrumen pertama
dan paling banyak digunakan di dunia untuk estimasi non-destruktif dari
properti kekuatan beton, aspal, mortir, batu dan kertas. Palu pantulan proceq
tersedia dalam model dengan energi dampak berbeda, masing-masing dirancang untuk
aplikasi uji tertentu. SilverSchmidt adalah palu rebound generasi terbaru yang menggabungkan
fitur-fitur ground breaking OriginalSchmidt dengan teknologi terbaik saat ini. Ini adalah palu
rebound terintegrasi pertama yang menampilkan nilai rebound sejati dan pengulangan yang tak tertandingi.
Original Schmidt
Schmidt OS-120
Original Schmidt Live
The SilverSchmidt is a unique integrated concrete test hammer featuring true rebound value calculated
from the quotient of the impact velocity and rebound velocity to provide maximum accuracy.
The classic Original Schmidt hammer that became the basis of every major rebound hammer testing standard
worldwide. Includes the NR and LR versions to record the rebound values directly on registration paper.
The DigiSchmidt is a digital version of the classic Original Schmidt with a display unit that allows
the direct reading and display of the test results.
The Schmidt OS-120 pendulum hammers are designed to test on softer material such as light weight
concrete, gypsum boards, fresh concrete and the mortar of joints in brickwork.
The RockSchmidt is a variation of the SilverSchmidt adapted specifically for rock testing applications
such as UCS correlations or to predict penetration rates for tunnel boring machines and rotary drum cutters.
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Your Benefits
Automatic calcuation of rebound value according to international standards
Automatic calcuation of rebound value according to international standards
Best in class correlation with least dispersion for specific concrete mixes
Best in class correlation with least dispersion for specific concrete mixes
Extremely durable with long service intervals when compared with classical hammer
Extremely durable with long service intervals when compared with classical hammer
Various models with different impact energies to cover a wide range of applications
Various models with different impact energies to cover a wide range of applications
Proven durability and quality compared with low cost copies
Proven durability and quality compared with low cost copies
Established Proceq Swiss Made accuracy and reliability
Established Proceq Swiss Made accuracy and reliability
Automatic calcuation of rebound value according to standards
Automatic calcuation of rebound value according to standards
Proven durability and quality compared with low cost copies
Proven durability and quality compared with low cost copies
Established Proceq Swiss Made accuracy and reliability
Established Proceq Swiss Made accuracy and reliability
Only rebound hammer that provides a test result at compressive strengths below 5 Mpa
Only rebound hammer that provides a test result at compressive strengths below 5 Mpa
Large, half circular scale with high resolution
Large, half circular scale with high resolution
Two models for fresh concrete and mortar applications
Two models for fresh concrete and mortar applications
Correlations to UCS using both ASTM and ISRM recommendations as well as user defined statistis
Correlations to UCS using both ASTM and ISRM recommendations as well as user defined statistis
No need to manually record the impact values in the field
No need to manually record the impact values in the field
Extremely durable with long service intervals when compared with classical hammer
Extremely durable with long service intervals when compared with classical hammer
Comprehensive Apple iOS app for measuring, reporting and analysis
Comprehensive Apple iOS app for measuring, reporting and analysis
Web reporting tool for instant offsite data availability and synchronizing
Web reporting tool for instant offsite data availability and synchronizing
Light and strong fiber-reinforced shell
Light and strong fiber-reinforced shell
Powered by flight-safe AAA batteries
Powered by flight-safe AAA batteries
Dual displays: analog and backlit digital
Dual displays: analog and backlit digital
All mechanical components are Original Schmidt components to ensure standards compatibility and durability
All mechanical components are Original Schmidt components to ensure standards compatibility and durability
Impact Energy
2.207 Nm (N), 0.735 Nm (L)
2.207 Nm (N), 0.735 Nm (L)
2.207 Nm (N), 0.735 Nm (L)
0.833 Nm
2.207 Nm (N), 0.735 Nm (L)
10 to 100 N/mm2 (1'450 to 14'500 psi)
L-hammer with optional mushroom plunger: 5 to 10 MPa (725 to 1'450 psi) 10 to 100 N/mm2 (1'450 to 14'500 psi
10 to 70 N/mm2 (1'450 to 10'152 psi)
10 to 70 N/mm2 (1'450 to 10'152 psi)
1 to 5 N/mm2 (145 to 725 psi)
20 to 150 MPa Unconfined (or Uniaxial) Compressive Strength (UCS)
Berdagang alat- alat Kelautan, Alat Selam, Perahu Karet,Alat Keselamatan,
GPS Garmin, GPS Magellan, Alat Survey, Alat Ukur dan Aksesoris Alat Ukur.
Current Meter.Anemometer ,Anemometer Wireless,Weather station
Untuk keterangan, nego harga dan informasi produk lainnya, hubungi :
Name : tatang survey
Alamat : Jl .H.Kelik No.20 RT.03 / RW.08 Kelapa Dua Kebon Jeruk Jakarta Barat
Email : tatangms409@gmail.com
Telp : 082124100046
WhatsApp :082124100046
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