Gold & Metal Detector LCD Display MD3010II Pelacak Emas Finder Sniper Complete Set

Detail produk dari Gold & Metal Detector LCD Display MD3010II Pelacak Emas Finder Sniper Complete Set

  • Waterproof Search Coil - lets you use the detector in the shallow water.
  • Adjustable Stem - lets you adjust the detector length for comfortable use. The micro - plug that connects the search coil and the controller unit is made of metal which makes the plug more reliable.
  • Armrest&stem - designed to eliminate strain on foream. The nylon bracket to further secure the slip of the hand compartment after long time holding the detector by arm.
  • Power - 6pcs AA alkaline batteries.
Gold Sniper MD3010II
Pelacak Emas dan Metal

Features :
Fully Automatic All Metal Detectors - Detects all kinds of metal objects.
Unless you have set for some objects that you do not want to detect.

Backlight LCD

Target Identity - The detected objects are shown on the LCD display. You can decide immediately if the objects worth to be recovered.

Unwanted Target Elimination - You can set the detector not to respond to some objects.

Unique Tone for Target - You don not have to keep watching the LCD display, when an object is being detected, an unique tone corresponding to a target will generate. You may even searching when there is little or no light.

No Clumsy Slack Cable - hidden search coil cable (connecting between control unit and search coil)avoid entangling and for ease of stem length adjustment.

Headphone Jack
Volume Control
Batteries Condition Indicator

Waterproof Search Coil - lets you use the detector in the shallow water.
Adjustable Stem - lets you adjust the detector length for comfortable use. The micro - plug that connects the search coil and the controller unit is made of metal which makes the plug more reliable.
Armrest&stem - designed to eliminate strain on foream. The nylon bracket to further secure the slip of the hand compartment after long time holding the detector by arm.
Power - 6pcs AA alkaline batteries.

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GPS Garmin, GPS Magellan, Alat Survey, Alat Ukur dan Aksesoris Alat Ukur.
Current Meter.Anemometer ,Anemometer Wireless,Weather station
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