Thickness Gauge with Handle - Kertas Plastik Kain Logam

Thickness Gauge Digital untuk mengukur ketebalan material seperti kertas, kain, kardus, plastik, kulit, logam, dll. 
- Mudah dipakai, praktis, dan serbaguna
- Terbuat dari bahan stainless steel
- Dengan pegangan handle untuk pemakaian yang lebih mudah
Main Features:
LCD screen, more convenient reading
Press to measure, quick and efficient
Suitable for measuring the thickness of flat materials and soft materials, such as leather, paper, cloth, sponge, wires, etc.
Measuring range: 0 - 12.7mm
Resolution: 0.01mm
Battery: LR44 1.5V
Operating temperature: 0 Deg.C - 40 Deg.C
Storage temperature: - 20 Deg.C - 70 Deg.C
Relative humidity: 80 percent and less

Berdagang alat- alat Kelautan, Alat Selam, Perahu Karet,Alat Keselamatan,
GPS Garmin, GPS Magellan, Alat Survey, Alat Ukur dan Aksesoris Alat Ukur.
Current Meter.Anemometer ,Anemometer Wireless,Weather station
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